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Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems have presented new challenges in terms of evaluation. The Eval4RAG Workshop at ECIR 2025 aims to help the community grapple with these challenges and reconcile the variety of evaluation proposed protocols. We ultimately aim to push towards a common mindset or conceptual framework for the evaluation of RAG systems that considers the diverse viewpoints of the community.

Presentation Topics

To this end, we call for oral presentations in the workshop to help spawn discussion and share perspectives about RAG evaluation. The call covers but is not limited to:

Interested presenters should submit a one-page extended abstract in ACM two-column conference format as the presentation proposal. The extended abstract should cover the relevancy of the presentation to the workshop, especially for presenting a published or accepted work(s). Accepted extended abstracts will be given a short dedicated time slot to present their perspective in the workshop. We encourage authors of relevant accepted papers at the main conference to submit an extended abstract to present the work again at the workshop with a focus on evaluation.

Submissions will undergo a lightweight single-blind review, i.e., the author’s identities are visible to reviewers but not the other way around, by the program committee and workshop organizers.

Steering and Program Committee
